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Amber Reflexology with Amber Sanderson


Facial reflexology works on the same principles as the foot reflexology you are familiar with, but has the added benefits of improving circulation of blood and lymph, bringing a youthful glow to the complexion, and with regular treatments, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Elasticity is improved and the skin feels more elastic and flexible. The soothing effect of the treatment eases tension and relieves stress.

The technique was created by Ziggie Bergman, the UKs leading expert in Reflexology and Reflexologist to the stars, who has also created the multi-award winning facial elixir, which I use during the treatment. It smells divine, with the peach and white poppy seed oil to help mend broken capillaries and heal blemishes; prickly pear oil to hydrate and protect from the elements, and white sage to release negative energy. Each product they produce is hand made, with clean and consciously sourced ingredients.

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